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Fair Edinburgh

A great city commits to sharing success and improving the wellbeing and life experience of all its citizens. In 2050, Edinburgh will be a city without barriers to achievement and where a good quality of life is a basic requirement enjoyed by all.

As part of the 2050 vision, the Council has agreed to develop an approach with children and young people centred around making Edinburgh a child friendly city. More than 70 people took part in a 'Year of Young People 2018' event in June to investigate what a truly children and young people friendly Edinburgh would look, feel and be like?


Improve child wellbeing?

Jackie Brock, Chief Executive of Edinburgh based kids charity, Children in Scotland believes all children should have an equal chance to flourish in Edinburgh 2050. Where, Scotland would rank amongst highest in the world for child wellbeing, Scottish parents would receive world-class support and inequality levels would be at their lowest ever.

An inclusive culture?

Former leader of City of Edinburgh Council Donald Anderson believes the key task in 2050 will be to make the city even better for all its people so that Edinburgh's new Golden Age will include everyone.

Solve social problems?

Ella Simpson, Chief Executive Officer of Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council, believes Edinburgh 2050 must be a place of belonging, caring and connecting. She believes people and communities must come together to solve social problems and overcome inequality in Edinburgh.

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